An avatar comes to the party.

At the beginning of last week, the short film project my daughter is involved in was one third funded through the generosity of about seventy people from all over the world. But then I received an excited phone call from her. She had a message from  Sam Worthington saying he wanted to provide the balance of the money needed to make the film because he believed in the project and the people who were on the team!

As Rachael Turk said:

‘At the start of the week, we were one third funded at a massive $8K but halfway through the campaign. We had a story in Encore which was great but what we really needed was an Angel. And he came – in the form of the Avatar, The Terminator or, as Claudia Karvan said this week, “a great bloke”.
Before he was “that cool guy in the wheelchair in Avatar” as my son says, he did many Australian films such as Gettin’ Square, Thunderstruck and my favourite Somersault, not to mention Love My Way. And he clearly hasn’t forgotten his roots.
Thank you Sam.

But thanks also to each and every one of you who believed in us from the get-go. $8K (now $9K and still climbing) is testament to your love, generosity and faith in the film.

In other news, FSM Film & TV Post have kindly come on board with the offer of Data wrangling, a Flame suite, HD master, QT’s, a Digital Cinema Print and a partridge in a pear tree. ‘

So now the work begins!

And it wouldn’t have happened without Pozible, the crowd funding site.