Prague Sculpture

Czechs seem to have a great sense of humour, if their public art is anything to go by. These first sculptures are by David Cerny, who gives his work an irreverent twist.

David Cerny  King Wenceslas.

It is located in an arcade (incidentally, the arcade was designed by Vaclav Havel’s grandfather in an Art Nouveau style). The arcade opens off Wenceslas square, where you can see a more conventional statue of King Wenceslas mounted on his horse.

Here is Cerny’s Barcode Baby, off the Campa. The baby’s face is replaced by a barcode.

One of the barcode babies, Prague

Here are some other sculptures from Prague. I would love to be able to attribute them, but I don’t know who made them. If you do, please let me know.

Fly on the chimney.
Fly on a chimney.
Door 'knobs'
Door ‘knobs’, Prague, near Karlov Most.

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